Bagwali, Near SDDIET College, Panchkula, Haryana, India - 134202 +91-8222943996

Bulk Product & Picture Upload Plugin


*If You want to upload bulk pictures for products in one click with an excel file, this extension can help you.
  • 1. Extract plugin files under Plugins folder.
  • 2. Go to plugin section. Search for Bulk Picture Upload plugin, if not present in the list. Click reload plugins button at the top of the page.
  • 3. If you are using it very first time, you will see a green install button in the last column. Click to install plugin.
  • 4. Once it is successfully installed, installed and enabled status will show a green tick mark.
  • 5. Now, look for Configure button and click.
  • 6. On plugin configuration screen, it will ask for [Activation Key],[Email Address],[Company Name] and [Mapping Column]*.
      *The column you are assuming as a product matching column(e.g. ProductId Or Sku)
      (a). [Id] column in excel for product id match
      (b). [Sku] column in excel for product sku match
      (c). [Id],[Sku] - At a time you can use only 1 column in excel. So, the first column should be [Id] or either [Sku].
  • 7. Fill out all the mandatory fields and click save to validate activation information. Once you enter correct activation information. A green label with a message saying "Plugin is Activated!" will be shown on the same page.
  • 8. Once you activated your plugin copy, Import Pictures button will be visible on the page. Click Import Pictures button.
  • 9. A popup will be shown with some information and a link to download sample excel format. You can download the file and add your data in it according to the columns.
  • 10. Then at last Upload excel file on the popup and click start button. It will process all the products in the excel file one by one and after successfull upload, give you a message that pictures imported successfully.
* It also supports picture URLs.
* Please make sure that the product pictures should be on copied on application server drive. e.g. You have a server with a C Drive, so pictures should be in servers C Drive.

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Bagwali, Near SDDIET College, Panchkula, Haryana, India - 134202

+91 8222943996

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